The Bait and Switch

PDF Resource

The ready-to-launch freebie, guide, or resource

to spoil and delight your audience

When your audience’s experience falls flat, leads take a pass.

Does this sound like you?

I get so excited after I send a proposal, only to hear radio silence for weeks. I don’t know where the disconnect is happening. Why’d they choose someone else over me?

I need to raise my prices, but I’m terrified it’ll scare people off who would’ve booked me at a lower rate. Maybe I’m not worth the jump, and they’ll be able to tell. 

I feel like I need to tip-toe online. It seems like my competitors have so much more knowledge and experience than me. I don’t want to look like a fraud.

Hey there, I’m


I’m a copywriter dead set on helping small businesses

use writing to do the heavy lifting for them. 

Nothing used to take the wind out of my sails quicker than being ghosted by a lead.

Deflated and self-conscious, I’d wonder where I went wrong and what made them hesitate.

There I was again — twirling in the humiliating follow-up dance.

I soon learned it wasn’t high pricing or something I said that made them take a pass. It was a lack of communicated value.

I was hoping my audience would connect the dots on what I brought to the table when what I needed to do was put it on clear and confident display.

Most creative small businesses are dripping with value;

they just struggle to showcase it.

Since I was 21, I’ve held multifaceted roles to create measurable, relieving solutions for small businesses, helping them get back to what they do best — the stuff only they can do.

With your Bait and Switch PDF Resource, we’ll put your business in a category of one, helping you stand apart from the competition, giving dream leads a taste of what it’s like to work with you, and wowing your audience over and over.


Ready to sidestep the competition and showcase your one-of-a-kind value? “You had me at free download.

Step 1: Submit Your Intrigue Form

Submit an Intrigue Form to get started. From there, we’ll touch base!

Step 2: Stand Out Value-Add Proposal

After we solidify the intent of the project, I’ll conduct research to uncover what needs are under-served in your industry specifically and how we can use that to differentiate your resource and cut through the noise of the competition.

Step 3: Your Ready-to-Launch Resource

We’ll fine-tune the details and design to complete your fully written and designed PDF resource, ready to launch. 


The Bait and Switch PDF Resource

What’s included:


A Presented-By-You PDF Resource

a ready-to-launch PDF of 1-3 pages fully written and designed to serve your audience as a guide, cheat sheet, proposal, or freebie.


Stand-Out Value Add Proposal

to uncover what differentiating value we can add to your resource to help you specifically stand out from your competition.


The Tease-and-Launch Templates

to help you drum up anticipation and successfully launch your completed PDF across your social channels and email list, ensuring your resource packs the greatest punch.


BONUS: 6-Email Newsletter Welcome Sequence Templates

to successfully nurture incoming subscribers to your email list.



Yours for $299


2 monthly spots available


How many leads slip through your fingers because your value isn’t coming across?


SAVE $517







Figuring out the right moves for your business isn’t easy. I get it.

With your Bait and Switch PDF Resource in hand, you’ll:

  • Feel polished and put together, knowing you’re giving your audience undeniable value that shines a light back on your business

  • Hop on inquiry calls relaxed and self-assured because you know your resource has already given leads a taste of what it’s like to work with you and why you’re worth their investment

  • Make a place for yourself in your industry by being generous with your knowledge and expertise

  • Finally feel confident raising your rates because you know you’ve done the work to showcase your trustworthiness from the start of your client’s experience

  • Mae Mallon of Beyond Smitten Events

    “I've worked with Cheyanne on several projects ranging from copywriting to editorial work and she always (over) delivers.

    Her intent listening and execution skills set her apart from others, but what I love most about her is her approach to each project she takes on.”

  • Sarah Bennett of Sarah Bennett Photography

    “[Cheyanne] has provided me with blog posts, newsletters, and provided me with inspiration sessions to help unblock me creatively when I wasn't sure what to do next.

    Hiring Cheyanne as my copywriter has been the best decision I have ever made for my business.”

  • Sierra White of Croft and Color

    “I so, so enjoyed working with Cheyanne.

    I normally am immediately overwhelmed talking about marketing and strategy, but Cheyanne's process is so fun and approachable.

    We went through finding my target audience and my brand voice, and I left feeling more clear and excited about my brand than ever before.”

You’re worth the limelight. Go from hoping leads recognize your value to making it crystal spanking clear.

Let’s turn “hard pass” into “hard-to-resist.”