why I write

Rattlesnake sightings, weather reports, and neighborhood dogs who broke out of their yards.

These were the hard-hitting pieces I reported on in my self-published neighborhood newspaper when I was eight years old.

Equipped with Microsoft Word and my mom’s printer, I stuffed papers heavy with inky clipart into mailboxes each week.

I loved to write ever since I learned how.

The art of language and words has been my greatest tool in helping me make sense of life and the complex humans that fill it, and wowza, am I endlessly fascinated by both.

who I write for (the gushy part)

There are few topics more tender to me than small businesses and the passionate people who run them. 

Starting in the booster seat of my parents’ Station Wagon, I saw firsthand the blood, sweat, and tears it took to be an entrepreneur. The demanding hours and constant problem-solving driven by the blend of art and strategy — it hooked me from the start. 

But growing up, I quickly realized how overwhelm, confusion, and the day-to-day toil of operations robbed owners of the joy of their work.

Forced to put dreams on the back burner just to keep the wheels turning, I saw more and more owners pulled from their creative sweet strike zones and buckling under the pressure. 

The world needs the gold that’s inside you, and it’s my mission to help bring it to life.

With copywriting solutions that compel and sell, my goal is to alleviate the pressure points you feel in your business so you can get back to where you want to be.

Whether that’s tinkering in your studio dreaming up your next product, jet-setting across the world to be re-inspired, or with your kiddos playing in the sprinklers in the backyard — success to me looks like you gaining the freedom and ease to live life the way you want.

Fully present, fully alive.

Of course, I want to see your business thrive, but that’s only the start. 

I’m in it to see you thrive.


People First

A business is only as healthy as the individuals who run it. 

Time is our most fleeting resource and is the one thing you can’t buy, get back, or save for later. There’ll always be to-dos and I-should’s breathing down your neck.

But you only get today once, and you only get one YOU. 

I’m a big proponent of mental health days, breaks, and taking a step away from the canvas.

I’m still learning how to rest in this lightning-fast world myself, but I’m committed to fighting for my presentness, and I’m committed to fighting for yours as well.  

Make Boring Things Fun

When trying to answer questions like: 

  • Define your brand voice.

  • Who’s your target audience?

  • What are your marketing goals? 

It’s natural to shrink. These are big, important questions that would send anyone into a spiral of, Shouldn’t I know this by now? Why is this so hard to articulate? I don’t even know where to begin trying to answer this.

I get it. I’ve been there.

That’s why I make these conversations as disarming, approachable, and enjoyable as possible, using gamified processes and a consistent commitment to making the boring things fun wherever possible.

Led By Joy

More than a feeling, I define joy as the X that marks the spot where your intuition, goals, and values collide. 

It’s an internal knowing wrapped in intrigue and curiosity, something that makes you go, “Oooh, I like the sound of that.”

I’m committed to helping business owners discover what joy-led marketing uniquely looks like for them because every ounce of energy you’re pouring into your business ought to be life back to you. 

I’m only interested in strategies and ideas that stoke your creative fire and tie back to your overarching “why” every time.  

but more importantly…

  • Leonardo DiCaprio. And don’t say it. I KNOW. I fell out of his preferred age bracket at 25.

    I don’t care.

    There’s just something about Leo. 90s Leo, wrinkled Leo, villain Leo, complicated Leo. Any day of the week, yes, please.

  • Gorillas.

  • If you had to fake your own death, do you think you could pull it off?

  • You clicked on this? Wow. That’s really unprofessional.