• Yes!

    Small business owners in need of recurring copywriting services love my individual service for Multi-Project Support for this reason.

    How it works:

    We’ll work together to estimate the recurring workload of your current copywriting needs and agree on a monthly retainer that makes the most sense for both of us.

    From there, essentially, you let me know what you need when you need it.

    As your needs take shape over time, we can reconvene to adjust the retainer as needed.

    Submit an Intrigue Form, and we’ll explore how we can work together!

  • If you’re a business, 1000% yes.

    I don’t have to tell you how crowded the internet is and how it's getting harder and harder to be heard above the noise.

    Even if you’ve managed to build a steady following on social media (high-five!) and gain most of your business through those channels, we’re all one app update away from our social media strategy becoming ineffective overnight. That doesn't mean we don't invest in it, but in my opinion, putting all your eggs in the basket of social media is a shaky game left up to the whims of the algorithm.

    On the other hand, while the game of SEO also shifts over time, its goal remains steady: Connect the user with the content they're seeking.

    That’s a long game we can play and win by gaining a thumbs up from Google as the go-to choice in your niche! For this reason, I always urge business owners to begin intentionally building the strength of their SEO, and that starts with solid website copy.

    Optimizing for SEO doesn’t have to be another boring marketing box to check off either. Submit an Intrigue Form, and I’ll clue you in on how sustainably approaching Submit an Intrigue Form, and I’ll clue you in on how building your SEO can actually be quite fun.

  • Turn-around time is highly dependent on the nature of the project, but I’ll communicate the estimated completion time at each stage.

    Should there be any unforeseen obstacles that affect that turn-around time, I’ll let you know ASAP.

    I love knowing what I’m getting and when, so you can trust I’m in the camp of over-communicating.

  • Yes! Let’s make that rough draft shine.

    I offer feedback support as an individual service for the DIY-er who wants a helping hand.

    Submit an Intrigue Form to get started, let me in on the details of your project, and we’ll go from there!

  • Web design is not in my wheelhouse, but if you’re in the market for a revamp, I can help you find, vet, and work with a web designer that'll bring your site to life. They'll inevitably request on-page copy to work into your design, and that's where I've got you covered -- headers, sub-headers, paragraphs, meta descriptions, the whole nine yards.

    Have a look at the Website Copy Glow-Up for more details.