Brain fart on June 8th.

Forgot to blog yesterday. Failed to put in my Asana task manager which is basically my slave driver. Blogging completely slipped my mind because I didn’t see it there.

I did write yesterday just not in blog form.

Here’s what was on my mind that I likely would’ve delved into:

I put a lot on my plate at once and I’m terrified that something will fall between the cracks. I feel like I’m carrying armloads of grocery bags in the house in one go. I’m gripping a watermelon under my arm, trying to keep my hot cup of coffee from spilling down my shirt, and working to unlock my front door all at once.

The handles of the bags are digging into my arm and I’ve been outside the locked front door for two months.

This locked door is whatever is next for me: a new job, a new city, a new life.

These bags are my current jobs, my current responsibilities, all the things I put on my plate this summer.

I don’t want to drop any of them, but my arms are getting tired.


Coffee shop etiquette.


Remember Ferris Bueller.