Fun questions to keep in your pocket.

I came across this video by Matthew Hussey—an internet relationship guru whose content I’ve found interesting in the past. For Hussey and the tips he shares, I’ve learned over the years to take the good and leave the rest. Not everything he shares sits well with me. Any brand that titles its content with words as clickbait-y as: “If You Want to INSTANTLY Heal Your Heartbreak, Watch This…” and “THIS Gets Him Addicted to You Forever” is clearly going heavy-handed on the marketing. These videos may still offer valuable insights on the subjects, but the quick-fix impression these titles portray, in my opinion, is disingenuous and potentially harmful.

Nevertheless, because I’ve watched some of Hussey’s stuff in the past, every so often, the algorithm will spit another one of his videos back into my feed.

This time it was “8 Revealing Questions You Can Ask Him on the First Date.” I was surprised to find I really liked the questions he listed—not necessarily for a first date although that would spark interesting dialogue, but just as general conversation starters. I quickly added the list to my ever-growing collection of questions and decided to answer them for myself.

1. Who is someone you really admire? Why?

I deeply admire a childhood friend of mine who is one of the most gently inquisitive people I know. She is one of the few people in my life who intently works to open me up like a book and turn the pages. She yearns for the good of those around her consistently and goes out of her way to express her love.

2. What kind of vacation do you like?

I love a vacation with a loose enough schedule to allow for spontaneity, but with a handful of pre-planned, intentional experiences. I like the tours or activities I plan on a vacation to be joy-driven—out-of-the-ordinary choices that we’re genuinely excited to do. For example, a Louisiana swamp tour, a llama petting expedition, or a hike on horseback.

I think every vacation should have an independent day if you’re traveling as a group where you can wake up whenever you want, eat wherever you want, and do whatever you want.

3. What book do you think everybody should read?

Everyone should read "The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. You don’t need to be a “creative” to be impacted by this book. If you’re a person with any ambition to do anything at all, this is an alarmingly challenging book that will kick your ass with every read.

4. What do you love the most about what you do?

As a barista, what I love most is the relationships built with regulars. It’s a privilege to have a small window into people’s lives, see their families transform, their kids grow up, keep up with the happenings in their life—and oftentimes, vice versa.

As a wedding coordinator, nothing brings me to tears quicker than an emotional father of the bride. I love seeing how dads hold both grief and celebration simultaneously on this day. It’s quite a profound thing to watch.

5. What is something you love doing but you do not do it enough?

I love gardening, being in the sun and dirt, getting dusty, and spending time in the backyard. I don’t get a lot of days to get lost in the weeds—no pun intended.

6. What do you suck at?

Bowling. Social media. Stopping.

7. Which movie are you embarrassed to like?

The Bridge to Terabithia. I think my early crush on Josh Hutcherson carried the weight of love for this film.

8. How would your closest friends describe you?

I think they’d comment on my calm demeanor, how I’m reserved until you get me in a scenario that I enjoy, and I’m a question-asker.


Pump the brakes.

