Repeating dream theme.

I found it in Sacramento’s Beers Books—this stunning used purple paperback, its spine worn from being bent and flattened, closed and gripped. Forty minutes into browsing, I came across it sandwiched between a Freud analysis and a book on dementia.

It was a dream dictionary.

Within it lied an index of objects, images, words, and themes and their possible interpretation when found in dreams. The 80s-looking cover reminded me of the style of one of my dear friends so I ended up gifting it to her, but not without first flipping through its pages a little bit for myself.

I love cooking up a juicy theory based on the symbolism or series of events in people’s dreams or my own. I think it’s such a fascinating blend of subconscious emotion and meaningful story unfolding like a play on the stage of your mind. And, while the play may make little sense, have ridiculous transitions, and be poorly written, you at least know it’s telling something true.

Our subconscious puts on no facades, and when given room to express itself, holds nothing back. It offers invaluable clues into what’s happening within us and I think that’s worth working to interpret to attain.

I hope I organically come across my own dream dictionary because I’ve been having a recurring theme arise in my dreams as of late.

I’m getting ready to travel.

Sounds exciting, but in every dream, I’m nervous about where I’m going and I get the sense I didn’t seek out the trip but that circumstances handed it to me. On top of that, in each dream I’m overwhelmed with some sort of task in front of me that will likely prevent me from getting on the plane—I didn’t pack and have to run home, I need painfully specific items that I forgot to buy and don’t know where to go to find them, I’m out of money before I even begin the trip, I can’t find the CEO of the airport and he needs to approve my passport.

One of these stress travel dreams isn’t notable, but now that I’m having multiple of them, I’m wondering what they could mean.

If you have an idea, tell me.


The only vows that stuck.

