Starting now: 30-day challenge.

I’m starting a 30-day challenge to write and post every day for 30 days.

The roadblocks that will arise over the course of the month will likely be the same roadblocks that have surfaced over the course of the last decade. I know them well.

So good news there, I won’t be surprised when they come up.

Challenging myself with a 30-day stint of consistent publishing will give me the framework to practice responding to those mental hurdles with five words:

“It doesn’t matter. Just write.”

  1. I’m tired. Anything I write will sound tired.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  2. I haven’t researched what I want to write about enough.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  3. I’m not sure if people will find this worth reading.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  4. I don’t know what I think about this enough to write about it.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  5. This feels too personal.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  6. Someone probably has a hotter take on this. I don’t want to take up space.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  7. It’ll take too long to put my thoughts down.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  8. Other things are more important today.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  9. I have too many things I want to tackle. I don’t know where to start.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  10. I’m not qualified to have a sharable opinion on this.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  11. I’m still sorting through this. It will sound convoluted if I try to write about it.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  12. This subject feels too big.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  13. This subject feels too small.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  14. Someone’s probably already broken this down somewhere else.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  15. This idea is tired and overdone. I don’t want to add to the mass of voices already talking about this.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  16. Will this even be relevant in 3 years?

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

  17. What if I write a post sharing opinions that I vehemently disagree with time? I need to have rock-solid conclusions first.

    It doesn’t matter. Just write.

I don’t anticipate the habit of this response to form overnight. It might take all 30 days and then some to establish, but I’ve been telling myself I need to write for longer than I care to admit. It must become important to me.

If I’m the only one who reads any of these words, that’s fine. It’s not about views, it’s about working the muscle of consistency.


Forced to reflect.


Does anyone know what they’re doing?