A thank you card to my body.

Thank you for being

Thank you for healing

Thank you for being mine

Thank you for going the distance when I ask

For carrying the blueprints on how to build a human

For holding pain and joy and pleasure and music and memory

You let me take walks in the morning

You let me swim in lakes at sunrise with my best friend

You let me run after my nieces when they want to show me something in their room

You can lift heavy things

You can walk 27,000 steps in an afternoon

You can carry my weight on stunning hikes in foreign places

I have ears that can hear music

I have eyes that can read color

I have hands that form goofy grandpa finger guns

I have a nose that smells cinnamon sticks and my mom’s perfume

I have a rich life

Because of you

You’re always doing the best you can for me

I promise to return the favor for as long as I have you


The last five Novembers.


What do your playlist titles say about you?