Questions I hate.

Questions I hate:


1.     What’s your dream job?

Ask this and I’m instantly annoyed. I haven’t experienced enough jobs to know what kind would bring me dream-quality fulfillment. I also don’t like the premise that there’s one singular occupation that you’re meant to do. It leaves no room for evolution, for desires to shift, and for us to find joy in places we never expected to.

2.     Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I don’t know—alive? Wherever I am I hope I’m not having to answer this question.

I think there’s something dangerous about putting expectations like this on a chapter of life that’s so far away. You don’t know who you’ll be in 1 year let alone 5. If I answer: “living in France with my gorgeous partner and three kids” that’s a lot of pressure to make those things happen in a small handful of seasons. There’s nothing wrong with envisioning what you hope life will look like per se. I just think there are better angles to come at the heart of this question with.

3.     Having fun?

I naturally want to rebel and say NO just to catch you off guard. Doing so makes me start to believe there is, in fact, no fun to be had here. Thanks a lot. Look what you made me do.

4.     Are you ever going to get a new (fill in the blank: car, job, partner, etc.)?

What if I don’t want a new one? Will that be disappointing for you even though me getting an upgrade at all likely has no effect on your life?

This also has the slight insinuation that I’m not doing enough to achieve these things you so strongly believe I should have by now.

5.     Did you not sleep well?
Thanks for inadvertently telling me I look tired, bored, or annoyed. There’s no way to come away from this question feeling any better than you found me.

What questions do you hate? 




Road rage.