Ditching Dave Ramsey: How Financial Feminist Shifted My Money Mindset For Good
From decades of penny-pinching to embracing money as the tool it can be, here's a detailed look at how Tori Dunlap's Financial Feminist has forever shifted my idea about money management.
4 Simple Ways to Counteract Daily To-Do List Overwhelm
When searching for a buoy in the ocean of to-do list overwhelm I’ve found the simpler the better. Here are four ways to counteract the daily stress of your workload.
Growth, Change, and Fear of Failure: The Only Advice I Needed
This is the simple, painful, and necessary advice I needed to get off my butt and go. It’s the hardest part, but it always returns on investment.
Get Out From Under Self-Criticism and Keep This Cute Trick Handy
Remember how far you’ve come.
How this Scene in Back to the Future Illustrates a Vital Lesson in Daily Growth
Doc Brown knows a thing or two about fuel. This scene reveals how clocking micro-wins gives us the boost we need to keep going and keep growing.
Why I'm Taking Fear as a Good Sign in Starting a Small Business
I quit my day job to start a small business, and I'm already scared. Here’s how I’m taking fear as a sign I’m on the right track.
Questions: The Key to Unlocking the Universe Inside Others
Asking questions is a superpower.